Monday, November 10, 2008

Chocolate Milk, Flat Tires, Spiderwebs and Children

Roofing nails and my 4 door larger "grandma" car seek each other out as if magnetized or drawn by some force of nature. My intention was to load up the older, larger Ford and take contents to "Goodwill". As I round the car with the first of many bags, alas the front driver's side tire is flat to the rim flat! Inflate tire, get thee to nearest station, repair like there is no tomorrow, walk outside to find said tire flat yet again and since we are at the station anyway let's change the oil and "fill er up"...discussion with our favorite mechanic about possibly replacing all tires. (They look fine) Rush to pick up grandchildren from daycare before it closes! Feed grandchildren, play, rinse and repeat. Make pallet of down comforters and blankets on floor and prepare to get quiet for the evening and sleep. NOT!!! Watch same two movies, "Chicken Little, The Incredibles" finally put two wiggly children in bed with grandmother, one on each side...wake up every two hours for various reasons...

Look Nonnee, "I makin a spiderweb!" Note to is entirely too funny so one can not really be angry that crochet thread is all over and entwined through everything. Such a creative little creature! The plan is to pick up the great grandma and spend time together. Pick up great grandma...grab some drive thru lunch...hey, Nonnee where's the chocolate milk? They were out of chocolate milk...note full blown meltdown until we reach home...leave the children with the great grandmother and make effort to go to grocery store...why oh why is the car swerving all over the road...YES...ANOTHER flat tire! This time the rear tire is flat to the rim flat! Call father in law because every other male is in North Carolina at a 2 seat Porsche for VW Beetle...still small with 2 doors, however we are back in business with a back seat. Note: refuse to fix tires and drive other car due to the fact that there are two more tires with the potential of having nails in them...

Rest of the day is spent playing, crying and mad dashes to the potty...change little girl...mop floors, rinse and repeat throughout the day...take great grandma home...
Starting to feel a wee bit exhausted and relax in chair, dozing lightly because younger daughter has arrived and is entertaining children...wake up to extremely loud, dancing turtle and little boy right in your face knocking over glass of diet coke which looks lovely running down the walls and all over the hardwood floors...mop, rinse, repeat! Daughter watches children so that "Nonnee" can rest...all three fall asleep on floor (down comforter pallet) daughter wakes and goes home...sleep on couch, stumble to bed for a few hours, four feet running down hallway with a cheerful, happy singsong GOOD MORNING! Attend church, eat lunch, read books and take naps...what's not to love about Sunday! Other grandparents are taking the wee ones Sunday night and Monday. Younger daughter stressing over job, needs to be "fluffed" and fed, (her husband is out of town as well) goes home...8:00 p.m. house is in shambles and all is quiet...
It will be several hours before husband arrives is almost too quiet...restore home, relax on couch, reflect on amounts of spilled beverages, body fluids and sticky about spiderwebs that must be cut because the "webs" are so cleverly constructed...Life is Good, tiring sometimes but still very good...four sticky little hands on your face or around your neck...hand prints on the walls...gosh, deja vu...was it just yesterday that I was the Mom and this was an everyday event? Yes, my friends Life is Good!!! And grandchildren are even better!!!


scchesleys said...

Heavens to Betsy!!! You really did have a wild weekend. Love the spiderwebs. My mom always says that she would have had the grandchildren first but no, she had to go through my brother and I first. The grands are her reward. Rest Nonnee.

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

I guess I better rest up so I'll be ready if I ever get to be a Grandma (hint to children). I was exhausted just hearing about it! And I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I am tired reading it! Sorry my kids are so wild!

persistentillusion said...

Er. And you want me to have kids?


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I don't know whether this post makes me glad or sad that I'll never have grandchildren (because of being childless).

Seriously, it was fun to read how you described all the chaos with such good humor.

Anonymous said...

where can i get some of these grandkids??? they sound like such fun! :) i have no idea how you can keep up. they'd be dragging me along with them.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Mostly b/c you can spoil them and then SEND THEM BACK! Hooray!

I am already looking forward to being a grandmother (one day, hopefully). I told the ladies their kids can call me Nana Banana.

Those spiderwebs were fabulous. the flat tires NOT SO MUCH. What is UP with that>>? Isn't there a cosmic rule against such happenings?! If there isn't - there should be. SOMEONE DIDN'T GET THEIR MEMO!

PS: I have a preeeesssseeent for YOU.. but you're going to have to wait till the Big day. in January... :)


Anonymous said...

Marvellous post, Connie! & I love the creative spiderwebs!

Little kiddies really give a new meaning all of their own to the word "ENERGY", don't they? =)

Christy Peake said...

You had an exhausting weekend, but I know how much you love those babies and they adore their Nonie!!

Connie said...

To all my friends, I do enjoy the "babes" company and the house was almost to quiet when they left!
And I did survive!!!
Ruth, you just need to borrow some!
Ditto...CWG you and the "dito" could borrow some, all fun and you can send them home :)

Jayne said...

I can so identify with this!!! Been there, done that. When Carrie and Rich went away on their little romantic "retreat" and left the three little darlings with me, I thought I'd go mad before the weekend ended. I love them so much, but wow, I'd forgotten how much work children can be. Thankfully, Elizabeth came to help me out a bit.