Please check the girls regularly and get a mammogram! grandson has been registered for kindergarten and I am not really sure where the time went...I am sharing the photos whereby little one still has a diaper and his shoes on...the cutest ones are of the bare cheeks running through the yard...that boy has always loved water and not wearing clothes...seems like he was born just five minutes ago...playing with the granddarlings brings me great joy!

A few other random thoughts:
I am wondering what the new neighbors with six kids, five dogs, two or three trucks and lots of tools will be building this weekend...last Saturday I woke up to hammering...there were two little buildings erected...I can't see much because for the first time in twenty years there is a privacy fence separating the yards...the house has been added to as well. I remember moving into our house and our backdoor neighbors passing brownies over the fence and how many backyard over the fence conversations we had...our children grew up together...I guess I won't be passing brownies through this fence.
Hopefully, I will be inspired to work on a few projects this weekend! I have started an art journal, a new dance/exercise class (more on that it) apart from the millions of ideas floating through my brain right now I also have the very practical home and yard projects to consider. Actually...I probably should do more than consider those projects...I want some home grown fresh veggies!
Spring excites me...rebirth on so many levels...I am also reminded of my dear friend Dot Dot each time I see the daffodils in bloom...her favorite harbinger of Spring and the poem by Wordsworth!

I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o'er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of dancing Daffodils;
Along the Lake, beneath the trees,
Ten thousand dancing in the breeze.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay
In such a laughing company:
I gazed -- and gazed --but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils
Can you believe most of our "Daffys" down South have almost bloomed out!
What will you do with your glorious Spring time?
there's no way darling grandson is old enough for school.
I refuse to believe it.
Excited to hear about your new endeavors.
People who post solid fences do not deserve brownies.
what a cute photo of your grandbaby. School, a new chapter of life.
I appreciate having you in my life.
one love.
With the new neighbor having all that over there, maybe it is a good thing that there is a solid fence now. Just a thought.....
I love that Worsworth poem.
Those photos of your grandson are adorable.
I had my own "boobie scare" a couple of years ago so I can relate. I am soooo glad it worked out ok! (hug)
Adorable photos of your grandson..he sure is a cutie!!
I'm sorry to hear about your scare !
I'm glad everything is okay is right ?
and yes...taking care of those boobies is so very important !
your grandson is adorable.....oh and that really does fly !
I just happened upon your blog and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing! If you have time, why don't you visit mine
Hunter was a precious toddler and is now an adorable little boy.
I've been thinking of Dorothy a lot lately too. Remember how the church was filled with those gorgeous yellow daffodils?
Hmmm. Projects? I'm working on my "degree" in home arts and am thinking of painting a room at the beach bungalow. Morning zen, a lovely soft green, is the color I'm most considering.
Your grandbaby is adorable... shame about your neighbours!! :0)
Mom, My little boy is so cute! I cant believe those pics. I feel so old.
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