As a champion worrier I often find myself finding something, anything to fret over. As I wrote in an earlier post I choose a word rather than make resolutions. My word "release" has already challenged me on a number of occasions...I tell myself "Let It Be" or Let It GO!" All this musing and fussing puts me in mind of The Beatle's tune, "Let It Be." In Marlo Thomas' book "The Right Words at the Right Time," Paul McCartney mentions that the song came to him due to some worries he and The Beatles were having and he pictured his mother saying "let it be" So when you find yourself in times of trouble just remember to...
As I reflect on 2009 deciding what no longer serves me well...let it be reverberates through my head. Anyone in the New York City Times Square area there is a "Good Riddance 2009" giant shredder...just write what you didn't like and shred it to bits in preparation for 2010. As one decade closes and a new one begins may we release that which serves no one, be grateful for our blessings, live with joy because life is indeed GOOD! Wishing you Peace, Love and Happiness for the New Year!

As I reflect on 2009 deciding what no longer serves me well...let it be reverberates through my head. Anyone in the New York City Times Square area there is a "Good Riddance 2009" giant shredder...just write what you didn't like and shred it to bits in preparation for 2010. As one decade closes and a new one begins may we release that which serves no one, be grateful for our blessings, live with joy because life is indeed GOOD! Wishing you Peace, Love and Happiness for the New Year!

Dear friend I thank you so much for my christmas card. I hope that you have a Wonderful 2010 and I hope that we can continue our friendship during this year.
I love the one word idea that you brought to my attention last year around this time. I too have had a word that has come in handy this year and am pretty set on a new word for 2010. Thank you for your thought provoking posts.
I remember reading that about Paul McCartney in that very book. Didn't his mother visit him in a dream and tell him to "let it be" or something? Anyway, I remember being impressed by it.
Want to get together for a quick meal or something Friday or Saturday? You MUST help me narrow down my word for 2010.
"As a champion worrier"
I originally thought you meant "champion WARRIOR" and I thought "How appropriate!"
But I love the idea of choosing "let it be" and that song is just beautiful. It's perfect for your word.
(I'm ready to share my word tomorrow!)
I love your word !
but most of all your attitude is what will make your word work for you...I can feel it !
I think 2010 just might be your year !
ps..I fret and worry, too.....and wish I didn't !
awesome post mom!
Love the idea for a shredder. We should have one of those in all of our homes to get rid of crap. Great post!
Thanks for the inspiration to choose a word. I think I've chosen wisely. Hope your 2010 is wonderful. LOVE the shredder - what an awesome concept.
What a powerful intent for 2010, Connie! I could use some 'let it be' too - and of course it resonates deeply from a faith point of view.
Wishing everything that is beautiful for this coming year - may it be truly a year of release and freedom for you so you can spread your shimmering wings wide!
I'm looking forward to seeing where this journey leads you, creative spirit...
I've been so busy doing nothing much that I haven't been around to visit my friends in too long. So, though my wishes are late, I mean them with my whole heart. May your year be filled with laughter. May all your surprises be happy ones. May you remember to count your blessings. May you know each day how very much you are loved. Happy new year, my friend.
2009 was actually a very good year. And 2010 is pregnant with promise, tee hee!
You wonderful woman YOU! Many many many thanks for the lovely Christmas package. The girls loved the green candy canes (where do you find these things?) and I can't wait to use my bananagram game/ couldn't convince anyone to play - they were too hooked on pictionary. NEXT YEAR.. Sure I'll enjoy it before then though. Sorry I didn't send out the goodies this year - too busy working on the house. NEXT YEAR.. hahahah! love ya babeee!! xoxo
So glad to finally get a moment to pop by for a visit. Hope 2010 brings you lots of worry-free moments of love and happiness.
One Love.
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