“Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age, and to imagine right up to the brink of death that life is only beginning. I think that is the only way to keep adding to one’s talent, and one’s inner happiness.” George Sand
So...I have no problem beginning...that is when I am not procrastinating...it is the finishing that often causes me problems. I am currently reading three books, have three knitting projects on the needles...two of which I don't like and will unravel...the list could go on and on. We are six days into a New Year...my bing, bang, pow is not living up to expectations here. This is my year to "release" all the old stuff that hinders progress...when you throw that out into the Universe...one must fortify one's self for what may come. I am currently battling cold sores, digestive ills and a number of other physical manifestations...thanks Universe!
I thought it would be lots of fun to participate in a 365 photo a day collaboration and I am now officially six days behind...fabulous photo of the week due Monday...hmmm...my offering...at the beginning of this post...meh.
In true Loose Lemon fashion...we will make lemonade out of lemons. Obviously my body needs the rest to handle releasing old "stuff" and naps are good, right? I will make up with my camera and we will enjoy the freezing weather together...looking at an uninspiring drive to and from work with new eyes. Knitting projects will be unraveled and begun anew. Herb tea, soup and quiet are good things along with warm bubble baths and glossy magazines (even if the cat whines when he can't get the door to the bathroom open)
If you are looking for me...I am bubble bathing or napping or reading or gazing at the birds...I am releasing, releasing, releasing...
I was wondering where you were!
I mean, besides conspiring with my MIL about how to get me swollen with seed :)
Maybe the 365 photo thing is one of those "let it go" things... because you sound busy enough and you know those photos don't just set themselves up.
Enjoy the bubbles, the birds, and all. And thanks for putting D1 on to word resolutions so she could teach me about them! She told me you are making a bracelet with your word on it. Teach her that so she can teach me. I'd love to learn that too!
I enjoy your zest for life!!!!!
I love the quote! Not only is George Sand a distance cousin of mine, but she also nailed the way i seem to feel about life. Full of new beginnings!
Love the photo. I keep telling myself that every morning is a new beginning - just forget what happened the day before. I always love you take on life!!
I always tell myself, "It's never too late to begin. Just start where you are." It makes jumping in so much less daunting.
lovely post. so glad i had a moment to stop by and say HI!!!
Happy New Year.
Bubble bath, reading, and/or napping?
Are we related??? That basically describes my day today except I also made it to the bookstore and will be going dancing tonight.
Let go of those old projects and enjoy the bubbles!
Hope you're staying warm. Spoke w/ my sister yesterday - Atlanta was in the single digits overnight. CRAZY!
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