Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hats Not Optional

Must you really take my picture?

Hmmmm...everything is soooo good!
The "Birthday Girl" in Bunny Ears

We are no ordinary H*O*R*SES. Joan's British accent made this sound quite different!
She and I were riding in the back of a van and felt a bit like livestock!

Don't you just LOVE the Cobra Hat!

The Diva and our favorite waiter, Jay

Several years ago, our friend, the "Diva" decided to combine a group of friends into what was going to be a Red Hat thing. As it turns out, we don't really like other people's rules too much and we like all kinds of hats when forced to wear one by our Queen Motha, the Diva. Lest you forget your hat, the Diva and her Princess in Training will provide a tacky hat or headband for your wearing enjoyment. Basically, we get together at least once a month, eat, laugh, and socialize. Our group is very diverse and hails from different parts of the world and different parts of the United States. Many attend dance functions together, some work/worked together at a local high school, affectionately known as "The Big House" , mainly we all knew the Diva in one of her incarnations. We have approximately twelve "members" give or take a few each month. Everyone is not pictured, I am not sure where my group photos are...the beauty may overwhelm you...so it's just as well that you see a few at a time! I only knew a few of the ladies in the group and it took me awhile to feel comfortable. As time went on, as we shared tales of our adventures and our everyday lives, I have come to feel very close to these gals. We know how to have a great time. They make me laugh and feel good about myself. We meet at Travinia's Restaurant, more often than anywhere else, we have a favorite waiter and we usually get to sit in the private "wine room". Which is good because we are L*O*U*D!!! I am looking forward to many more years of friendship! Hats off to you, "Girls" (pun intended)! LYMI

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