Monday, March 24, 2008

Addictions and Committment

I have a chocolate hangover! It is so good while you are savoring the rich, velvety taste, but too much of a good thing is just the opposite, not good. Oh yeah, add the gallon of diet coke too and I feel pretty wicked today. I slept poorly, waking every hour or so, then overslept and was very late for work. I guess on days like this it is a good thing to work with your husband and your father- in-law. A friend of mine attends an addiction recovery class in an attempt to help those around her overcome their addictions. Shortly after attending the first class she mentioned to me that EVERYONE has addictions. At first I thought she was overstating it somewhat, I guess when I think of addictions it would be drug abuse and alcoholism, both of which I have had second hand experience with through various family, extended family and friends. She said she was addicted to Vanilla cokes, her cell phone and a few other things. Hmmm...I thought, she is definitely addicted to the cell phone but is that a real addiction? Addiction is loosely defined as having a compulsion towards something that causes a physical or psychological dependence on that behavior. I definitely notice a physical reaction when withdrawing from caffeine or sugar.
People definitely have compulsions to gamble, overexercise, overeat and so many other "compulsions". Is it an addiction or a strong compulsion? Are they one in the same? I know that eating too much food or too much sugar will result in weight gain not to mention feeling poorly. Does this stop me, sadly no. It is time to pay the piper so to speak...I have developed health issues, some directly related to over-eating or just eating the wrong things. Being sick and tired since about November has made me throw up my hands...something must be done and done starting right now (as soon as I finish the chocolate in my desk drawer)! Just kidding...seriously...I have along the way established healthier eating habits and just need to go downstairs to the exercise room. I have a fabulous treadmill, elliptical and some free weights with weight bench gathering dust! I realize I need some form of goes...I am committing to a healthier nutrition plan and getting off my tired, lazy bottom! So now you know and we will all expect great things. I might be brave and post before and after photos, nah...that's pushing it! What changes do you need to make that have been put off? Let's get busy!


Anonymous said...

I might be ill today too! Cadbury overload!

Christy Peake said...

I'm a chocolate addict too. I could live without any other sweets in the world but I LOVE chocolate. I don't know how to kick it without being miserable! Your post really has me thinking!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I am a chocolate lover too! I finally woke from the diabetic comma I put myself into on Sunday! LOL

Alona said...

Chocolate is my friend. Just leave us alone and we will be fine. hee hee

Connie said...

looks like all the chocoholics are coming out!!!

Anonymous said...

:raises hand:

Chocolate lover in the hizzay!

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to blogging. Seriously, I have lots of other "stuff" that I need to work on today, but I just had to spend a few minutes blogging before getting started. It's such a great way to learn things, communicate one's own goings-on and thoughts, and just "connect" with others.

Valencia said...

Ditto...I've got to make some changes,too, conquer some addictions and get in better shape. Let me know if you find a great cure, the ones I've tried thus far have not had great results but I'm really trying...