Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dot Dot
Sunday, January 27, 2008
"The Four Agreements"
I had attended the adult session of stake conference and it was about making your relationships better particularly your marriage but would apply to your friends, family, basically anybody. The key elements were love, saying Thank You and being thoughtful! As I sit here I am saddened but also nauseous because why in the world would someone post hateful things on a new blog??? To the person that is so insecure and mean spirited, I send you only love and forgiveness because you definitely need something in your life. I am in a place in my life where I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and only want to look for the good in them. We are children of a most high God and thus each is worthwhile and important.
Note I did not say each of us is perfect, that is why we are here to be tested and to become better each day. I am not allowing anonymous comments on this blog. The comments incidentally were not even directed at me but at someone that reads my blog. I just hope they were deleted quickly enough as to not hurt some one's feelings. This is a place where I write what is on my mind, it is NOT a forum to be mean to anyone. I will continue to write here because I will not allow meanness and hatefulness to infiltrate my life. My friend, Jayne recommended a book called, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. I read it some time ago but intend on reading it again. Basically, the four agreements in a nutshell are,
Due to the comment section which incidentally was in the post about my sweet husband, (I really thought someone was going to comment on him) this was not my intended subject for a lovely Sunday. Everyone would do well to remember we are children of a most Heavenly Father and everyone is worthy of love, friendship and happiness. Imperfection abounds but we learn from this. I am by no means perfect, I strive to live each day a little better than the last one. So my friends and friends I have yet to meet, be a little nicer, a little kinder, more gentle, be forgiving so that you may rest your head on the pillow at night knowing that you enriched some one's life rather than crushed their spirit. I go to bed with a clear conscience, my heart is a little heavy but this too shall pass. Namaste
Friday, January 25, 2008
How long did you date?: about 8 months
How old is he?: Older than Me!
Who eats more?: Carl
Who said "I love you" first?: He whispered it in my ear as he was leaving one day, so I wasn’t sure at first!
Who is taller?: Carl
Who sings better? : Carl, for sure!
Who is smarter? : Depends on the subject! But I’m always right (LOL)
Whose temper is worse? Definitely mine
Who does the laundry? : Let me think, oh yeah, it’s me
Who does the dishes? : Usually I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? : All I know is that I sleep closest to the bathroom
Who pays the bills? : I pay the everyday household ones. He pays insurance, taxes, etc. (we combine our money)
Who mows the lawn? : Carl
Who cooks dinner? : I do most nights, he often picks up takeout!
Who drives when you are together? : Carl, most of the time.
Who is more stubborn? : I am more vocal about it but I think he is equally stubborn
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? : who’s wrong?
Whose parents do you see the most? : we work with his dad!
Who proposed? : Carl, with the girls’ permission on bended knee, it was a family event!
Who has more friends? : Probably me
Who has more siblings? : We both come from families with 2 boys and 1 girl
Who wears the pants in the family? : Both of us! I’m more bossy.
We laugh together, he serenades me everyday, he is an all around good guy and I love him. Sometimes, he exasperates the heck out of me as I am sure I do the same for him!
One is Silver and the Other Gold
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Last Quarter
I have thoroughly enjoyed posting 100 favorites. It has made me look around and appreciate people, places and things with a more keen eye. We each have so many blessings. Here they are, the last twenty five...
- my yarn stash
- yarn stores, I love all the colors and textures of yarn, the needles and gadgets!
- fabric
- knitting
- my collection of vintage sewing notions and buttons
- making beaded jewelry
- crisp, clean sheets
- babies
- craft shows
- book fairs
- shopping with friends (or just shopping, shopping, shopping)
- Girl's Night Out
- riding our jet ski
- colored pencils
- stationery and greeting cards
- Brother Gorka's painting of Christ blessing the children
- black sweaters or shirts with awesome accessories
- the perfect handbag
- people watching
- Food Network Shows especially Iron Chef America
- Project Runway
- watching children play
- blogging
- autumn colors
- oatmeal raisin cookies (it is the only way I can eat oatmeal, plus it would lower my cholesterol, wouldn't it!)
I am thankful to live in a country which allows me to enjoy all of these pleasures without censure!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Widgets and Such! Oh My!
Twenty-five More!
The sky is so blue today. It is still a little cloudy and cool out. I find myself needing a break from year end books and payroll to just gaze out my window. I have wonderful pictures of favorite things to take a look at when my eyes blur from rows of numbers! The photos in this post were all taken at The Bend of Ivy Lodge in Marshall, NC near Asheville. So, it's lunch time and I present you with 25 more favorites...
- Bend of Ivy Lodge, a serene and beautiful lodge in the mountains alongside a tranquil river.
- rock gardens, rocks, especially "found" heart shaped ones
- Christus Statue in Salt Lake City and Brazil (I have been to SLC not Brazil)
- Buddha statues, he is always serene and/or happy
- great massages
- facials
- having my feet rubbed with lots of lotion by sweet husband
- eating cherries over the kitchen sink
- homemade lemonade
- popcorn
- beach glass
- shells
- birkenstocks and danskos
- flip flops
- comfortable boot cut jeans
- hair that smells Great
- hugs and kisses
- antique stores!!!
- favorite quilt, the top is made of old suits and embroidered in a feather stitch (antique shop bargain in great shape)
- Sweet grandson taking my favorite quilt and then snuggling with me
- My granddaughter feeding me anything she is eating whether I want it or not!
- my granddog Rhett, the black 125lb lab who thinks he is a lap dog and doesn't know he is a D*O*G
- my daughters asking for advice or recipes
- Heather's pumpkin roll, YUM!
- Michelle's dancing
It amazes me how many simple things around me enrich my life and bring me joy! Life can be so delightful if we take the time to look at the wonders around us. One hundred favorites, a piece of cake...only 25 more
Monday, January 21, 2008
More Favorites
- waterfalls (obviously)
- getting caught in the rain, drying off and snuggling
- hiking in the mountains
- The Blue Ridge Parkway
- sunset in the mountains or at the beach or anywhere, actually
- Luray Caverns
- wind in my hair and the sun on my face
- my Boxster with the top down
- labyrinths and mazes
- botanical gardens
- roadside picnics
- the whoosh a diet coke makes when you open it and the very first sip!
- capturing cool photos
- landscapes blanketed by snow
- sparklers
- outdoor concerts
- any beautiful coastline
- azaleas, rhododendrons, gardenias, daisies
- poppies - especially the field of them that was near my Oma's house in Germany
- good chocolate, no that is not an oxymoron, some chocolate is better than others
- making holidays special for my family and my friends
- finger paints
- bubbles
- doodling and cartoon drawing and attempting to draw "serious" stuff
- castles and castle ruins (would like to see some in countries other than Germany)
I am in a vacation sort of mood today. I think maybe a mini-trip somewhere is in order! My friend TeLene and I attempted to ride with the top down not to long ago (November) We had to turn the heat on and laughed all the way home.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A few of my favorite things
Here goes...
- My Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ without whom I would not be so richly blessed.
- my crazy, loud, fun and loving husband
- our wonderful children
- being "Nonnie" to the grandchildren, they bring so much joy and love into our lives.
- sending love notes to my husband and receiving notes from him.
- our sweet kitten, Moe, he is a beautiful tabby with an engaging personality. (Michelle rescued him and brought him to us to adopt)
- my fuzzy bathrobe and slippers
- hot cocoa or herbal tea on a rainy, Saturday morning
- watching butterflies and birds from the windowseat
- something yummy simmering on the stove in my wonderful kitchen
- fresh baked bread
- a good soak in the jacuzzi
- a full moon shining through the upper windows in the living room
- cool, starry nights
- morning sounds and smells
- laughter, lots of it
- hearing my mom speak German especially when she switches languages in the middle of a sentence
- calls, e-mails and especially notes from my friends
- big, glossy magazines
- books, reading as much as I can
- the smell of citrus
- majestic hymns, i.e "All Creatures of our God and King"
- music, music, music
- sunrise on the ocean
- rain on the tin roof in Neeses
It is amazing how quickly you can think of many things or people you love. This makes me very aware of some of the truly wonderful, simple things that make life so fabulous. More to come....
Friday, January 18, 2008
"The Greatest Show on Earth"
We had a fun filled family trip to the Ringling Brothers Circus last night. Carl, Me, Mom (in photo), Heather, Danny, Michelle, Kevin, Hunter and Anna had a quick McDonald's meal and headed out for opening night. We had absolutely great seats for a very reasonable price. It's a good thing too because cotton candy was $12 for a large bag with souvenir hat. We did have to get "MiMi" some despite the exorbitant price. I think of everyone in our group, my Mom had the best time. Her face probably hurts this morning. She smiled and laughed the whole night. It was delightful to see her so happy. She has had some rough years.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How the lemons came to be loose
It is a metaphor for many things however, I'll just explain one particular adventure. I find shopping to be highly entertaining on many levels. Jayne and I were having an abbreviated Saturday shopping get together at Steinmart. I selected several things I could not live without, one being a container of beautiful lemons. Jayne was admiring accessories as I walked up, we stood talking for a moment, the next thing you see is lemons rolling EVERYWHERE!!! We were scrambling about picking up lemons and it was quite funny to see lemons amongst all the "high end" accessories. I just looked at Jayne and said something like, "I've lost my lemons". This later became a discussion about how one views life. Do you pick up the loose lemons and keep going with a sense of humor and a smile on your face? Or once you have "dropped your lemons" are you embarassed and worried about what others will think? I choose to laugh at the funny little curve balls and mishaps that come my way. It isn't always so, but each day that I can do something to eradicate pessimism, cynicism and a myriad host of other isms is a good day!