It is my birthday week...I have been a little remiss in the celebratory department. I was taught by the Diva to celebrate a birthday for at least a month. Since I was late starting I think it will just have to extend into February. I heard on "Chelsea Lately" (I love her droll expressions) that January has one of the most depressing days in it. Hmmm...not sure I agree with that. Last year was my 50th...that sounded so cool...51 not so celebrate in grand style and because I love a list...for the next five days I will be listing 10 random "things" plus a bonus for the one...and away we go...
- Blackberry inherited from dear husband...Kindle for birthday gift...How in the world is a body supposed to accomplish anything else with new gadgets around?
- Still trying to re-organize from Christmas holidays
- focus and concentration issues...oh look a bird...what did I come into this room for???
- LOVE my new knitted scarf that I knitted for MYSELF...I never knit anything for myself
- the weather is absolutely is hard to be at work at my least I have great windows...
- yes I should be working on corporate income tax stuff etc...
- procrastination is my middle name
- must go to the grocery current mood I will buy way too many perishable fruits and all the colors!
- the donkey playing ball and the horse chasing him will be out today because I don't have my camera with me and the weather is great.
- things I would rather be doing RIGHT now...hiking, taking pictures, playing with Duncan doggy followed by herbal tea and a nap with my favorite quilt and Moe kitty.
Wishing you a glorious day...just for today...BE HAPPY!!! You Make Me Feel Like Dancin...wanna dance the night away
Have fun celebrating your birthday month.
Sounds like an excuse for cake to me!
I know you are totally going to rock your birthday month! (And celebrating for a month is definitely the only way to go.)
I definitely have my eye on the Kindle. Can you imagine just how beach worthy they are???
I love that photo!!! You are beautiful! Happy Birthday, my dear, dear friend.
Belated happy birthday.
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