One of my favorite movies, "Pollyanna" has Hayley Mills as Pollyanna sharing "The Glad Game" with the staff of her aunt's home. For every negative or unhappy event...her Father taught her to find something in which to be glad. On my less than better days I find this to be an excellent idea!
I really enjoy cooking, however some days the kitchen accidents seem unbearable! To wit, while attempting to bake a strawberry-rhubarb crisp...anything the could and would go wrong occurred! Retrieving items from the fridge resulted in a container upending on the floor, breaking and the contents strewn, of course you guessed it, all OVER the floor. One mess cleaned up. My pantry is a complicated place and as I was reaching for one item I knocked over
an entire container of bread crumbs. Naturally the "crumbs" creeped into every crevice and surface available! Now for the "Glad Game"...after a very labor intensive effort...
The most delicious EVER Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp (at least that was my husband's reaction)
Many of my best days and discoveries resulted from efforts that just didn't seem to work out quite the way I would have preferred! I am still learning that Plan A frequently goes awry and sometimes Plan B doesn't work either. Going with the flow of the river rather than against it and implementing the "Glad Game" seems to keep life in check and decreases the level of drama one must endure! Tell me, what is your favorite way of coping with the "little things" that can make or break you?
P.S. Did I mention that Moe Kitty was underfoot and tracking through each and every mess...
and for your viewing amusement...a craft project run amok!!!
looks like you called in the 'reinforcements' in the last picture to help with the clean up. ahhahahahahahha are too funnneeee!!!
Oh, now this crisp looks so good! Yummy!
Connie: That crisp looks absolutely delicious. Love your wit!
CWG-har har
Mom there are days like that. They happen frequently at my house!
My last year has been one where everything that could go wrong, seemed to head straight there. But I try to look at the positive too. I also have to believe that everything happens for a reason. Even with all that, I'm hoping my next year is looking up!
Did you save me some crisp? LOL
I love your spirit. And that last picture is hilarious.
Ah, it does me good, yes it does, to know there are other Plan C'ers out there, too! =)
LOVE the photo of you, Connie. And I agree, the real challenge is to find the good, even in the bad & the ugly.
Keep shining!
You know all of my strategies for dealing with stress, hassles, heartache, jerks, and so forth. However, I must admit that it would probably take a colossal effort on my part to feel happy in this instance. Oh, I just thought of a possibility. I might say, "Sure is great to have a kitchen with lots of stuff to make pie with...and an electric stove to cook it in."
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