Have you ever driven somewhere only to wonder how in the world you got there in one piece because you do not remember the drive? The mental fog and forgetfulness that is my life scares me the most. I am a forced optimist...that is...it does not come to me naturally. I tend to be more of a cynic and worrier...so my train of thought goes in the direction of what if it never gets better...what if I keep losing more pieces of my memory? These are the thoughts that keep you awake at night thus perpetuating the tiredness that seems to be a daily reality. I recently had an opportunity to create art to be considered for a book that will be published soon...the deadline was a short one and sadly not met by me as my spirit and body were unwilling. My teeth wouldn't even cooperate! I have a trashbag full of discards and a table full of semi used supplies. So disappointing!
So, my gentle friends, I need a plan...a list...I need to get some forward momentum happening...
In the wake of working in the business world all day, caring for aging parents, being a wife, grandma etc., etc. I am not taking care of myself...if I don't take care of me...how will I continue to be of service to anyone else?
Obviously some extreme self care is needed! I express or experience no hesitation when it comes to helping others...I think a little, nay a LOT of pampering is in order (that is my story and I am sticking to it)
What do you do when your energy reserves are low and you feel a little sad or in need of a boost? After all one can not live on Diet Coke and Chocolate alone...
I think you need a pamper day my lovely. oh you could try tying a knot in your hankie too... that's supposed to help you remember stuff isn't it? I'd be like...." WHat the heck is that blinking knot in there for???" hehe
Go.. be pampered and drink red bull and feel better soon.
Diet Coke and Chocolate are not a bad start... For me, it's 1) a long bath with a good book and candles and maybe music; 2) exercise (yes, I am serious); 3) The Bible... just reading. Like the book that it is. Read the stories, and the letters; and 4)doing something I love that is creative and takes total concentration. Any of these help you sleep, which gives you more energy, and they all help you feel like you're doing something with your life. Hope this helps. I'll be praying for you. I KNOW that will help!
You just need a "Connie Day." No distractions. A day just for you, just to do whatever! Maybe a day like this would put some fuel back in your tank. It's hard to run when you're on empty! Love you!
Connie, if money is no object then go get a massage. TODAY. Seriously, they are not that expensive and it would do you a world of good. The soothing touch, the dim light, the relaxation will truly transport you to another place. Afterward you will feel fabulous for hours. You will sleep. Do it. You deserve it.
Sending much love! xoxo
When do you have time for yourself built into your day? (YO, I am totally with Rosezilla on the bubble bath thing.)
A pamper day is nice but you really need some regular time to yourself. Maybe you could join something like MassageEnvy and make getting a massage a regular thing?
I SEE! Dishy and I are on the same wavelength. Yes, what she said!
I like Christy's idea (and the others too!). I also think you might want to practice saying no more often. I have other ideas too, and I'll tell you about them face-to-face on Monday.
be still. take time for yourself, my friend. rejuvenating is in order.
sending lots of love and positive energy your way.
one love.
You've got some good advice here. Also, you might want to look into supplements to help with the midlife stuff. Not hormone replacement therapy, but supplements like black cohosh and over-the-counter progesterone cream. They've helped me a lot . . . and not just with hot flashes, with concentration and memory too. A book to check out is "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" by Dr. John R. Lee.
I left you a voicemail...and emailed you again. please let me know if you get it. Deadline is 2/14 to mail.
i'm not so much for massages--i'm more of a facial girl (i think it's the whole being naked thing that freaks me out). facials can take me away to another planet and i feel so divine after.
also, try practicing this phrase, "I'd love to help out but I'm already committed to something else."
or this one word: NO.
that can also help take some stress away! xoxo
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