This was the last weekend for "Turner to Cézanne: Masterpieces from the Davies Collection, National Museum Wales" exhibit at the Columbia Museum of Art. Kristi and I met downtown to view the collection together. We toured the exhibit twice and then ventured across the street to have lunch at "Gotham Bagel Cafe" (yummy). We discussed which paintings "spoke" to us. It was a rare and wonderful privilege to see the original works of the masters such as Monet, Van Gogh, Cezanne and Whistler. Most of the works were from the Impressionist/Post Impressionist movement. We each had our favorites...most of my favorites being of Italy...I am making plans to visit in the not too distant future. Note to Jayne: We missed you...the exhibit was lovely. Upon entering one gallery to view "The Parisienne" (Renoir) we spotted a very young girl sitting on her feet drawing and coloring a very detailed copy of Renoir's masterpiece...this was such a delight to behold! I wanted to take a picture of her, however was not inclined to be tossed out of the museum. Security was beefed up...I cannot even imagine the price of the paintings on exhibit.

Borrowing a favorite word from Jayne, the old was juxtaposed with the new at every turn. We were looking at 200 - 300 year old paintings in a very modern space...the very old buildings of downtown Columbia side by side with the newer, modern architecture...masterpieces in the same city with "industrial art" Columbia was/is very enamored with the artist known as Blue Sky. His art is a little too industrial for my taste, however I guess I am just a philistine when it comes to what I like. I remember when the huge unveiling for the fire hydrant occurred...I was in a hospital room with my mother in law and giving her a blow by blow thoughts were like what the heck??? The chain connects a series of older buildings and I just don't get "it". Give me "The Palazzo Dario" by Monet any day of the week!!! This painting is absolutely breathtaking from every angle! (this print does not do the original justice)

Blue Sky, fire plug
That mental image of the little girl is burned into my brain. That was a picture in and of itself.
Cool, I love museums. We got to see a special Chihuly display at the Naples Art Museum that was very good, and i loved the miniatures, too. I'm pretty old fashioned in my art tastes. I know what moves me and what doesn't. I don't like it when my uncle tries to "convince" me to like something. If you have to be convinced, then it just isn't your cup of tea.
Is that chain thing new? I must have missed the memo on that one...
Although I don't think I'm wired for the same passion of the visual arts as you, Kristi and Jayne are, I must say that one exception is photography - it really moves me. And specifically, your photography moves me - thanks for sharing it!
I could see the large hydrant out the hospital window when all three of my children were born. It's so memorable...
Love the new layout!!!
It sure does. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
I think being okay with nothing is a wonderful thing.
I love love love the pictures, especially the first one where you're turned back towards the camera with your hair all flowing and pretty and a big beautiful smile on your face. The Kress sign is neat too. I'm glad you and Kristi got to see this together.
Oh, I should do that more! Sounds absolutely inspiring, Connie. And I agree with Scchesleys: the mental image of the little girl speaks as strongly as the photos you posted.
Oooh you & I would get on like a house on fire. I love taking in art wherever I go. Philly is such a magnificent art city if you ever make it north. Portland's museum is also supposed to be good - but haven't made it there yet. We've been to a couple of the smaller galleries. So far, so good.
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