Monday, November 17, 2014

No Expiration Date for Grief

It finally occurred to me why I have been feeling sad and out of sorts lately.  Today, November 17 marks the 11th anniversary of my brother's death.  We were quite the pair and I miss him so very much!

So my dear brother, I am thinking of you today...
thinking of how you could make everyone laugh,
thinking of your kindness and compassion
thinking of your love of adventure
thinking of how you took your role as oldest man in the family so seriously after Dad passed.
thinking of how patient you were with Mom when she drove me nuts.
thinking about how you were such an awesome Uncle and are so very missed by Michelle and Heather
I am thankful for the memories we were able to make
the laughter, tears and arguments
You are such an example and inspiration 
You are my Hero!

A thought of two regarding the life we each live...
We are not promised tomorrow
Waiting around for things to happen is of no benefit...
Live Large
Spread your Joy, Love and Compassion!

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